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Replacement Batteries for Wheelchairs & Mobility Scooters


One of the more popular batteries we sell at BatteryClerk are replacement batteries for wheelchairs and mobility scooters. They have become increasingly popular due to an aging population and better equipment availability.

SLA Wheelchair Batteries, or Sealed Lead Acid batteries, are the most common type of wheelchair battery but they do have a limited lifespan so we do advise many of our clients to keep this in mind and prepare accordingly, having backups on hand can be a lifesaver.

Preparation Tips When Looking for Replacement SLA Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter Batteries

The goal of wheelchair and mobility scooter batteries is to provide a sustained level of power for an extended period. Their relatively low cost-per-rate makes them ideal for powering this type of equipment. If you've been running the same battery for several years, it may be a good time to start planning to purchase a backup so consider the following:

Size of Batteries - you want to make sure to get a replacement battery that is the same size as the current batteries to avoid any headaches with installation. Typically the area where the battery is housed has limited space so a battery that is too big may not fit in the allotted area and a battery too small may require some additional work to prevent it bouncing around.

Amp Hours - while not a critical factor, amp hours are worth checking out. They affect runtime so if you have to travel some distance, this could be something to seriously consider in your replacement battery.

All of these should be taken into consideration when purchasing replacement wheelchair batteries, as they play an integral part in ensuring optimal performance levels are achieved over time, no matter what environment or application you find yourself in.

"We buy a lot of replacement batteries for our customers with mobility scooters and while we were originally attracted to the pricing, their performance is what keeps us buying!"

wheelchair battery

How to Find Quality Replacement Batteries to Match Your Wheelchair or Mobility Scooter

For our current clients, finding a replacement wheelchair or mobility scooter SLA battery is easy. Either they login to their account at and buy the same battery or they give us a call.

Others will jump onto Google and do a search, something like "replacement wheelchair batteries" may be a good starting point but you won't get the specific battery you need (though you may see listed). Our recommendation is to have a look at the current battery and take note of the brand (like Pride Mobility) then consider the model (Go-Go Ultra). Check any specifications on the current battery (like 12V, 12Ah) and either do a Google search or head straight to and search there. "Pride Mobility Go-Go Ultra 12V, 12Ah replacement battery" should get you an exact result.

Finding quality replacement batteries for your wheelchair can be a challenge, but with the right considerations and an understanding of battery life cycles, you can find the perfect solution that meets both your needs and budget.

When buying replacement batteries, make sure to invest in high quality batteries for your wheelchair or mobility scooter.

Feel free to check the reviews which should offer an overview of the quality of replacement battery. Given our number of returning customers, we feel the quality is strong but the value for money even better.

SLA Battery Wheelchair and Mobility Scooter Installation

Once you've received your order, the installation should be fairly easy depending on your type of scooter. We do have resources available for replacing batteries on mobility scooters as well as wheelchairs but just to summarize:

  1. Locate the current battery compartment
  2. Remove the connectors on the old battery (black first, red second)
  3. Remove the current battery (or batteries in many models)
  4. Insert new batteries in the same spot
  5. Reconnect the black terminal and then the red terminal
  6. Make sure to tighten
  7. Recycle old battery

Maintaining Your SLA Wheelchair Battery

After you’ve made the purchase and installed your new mobility scooter or wheelchair battery it’s important to consider the ongoing maintenance and treatment to keep maximum performance.

While you can’t necessarily help control how you use your scooter as it is based on your environment and need, things like temperature exposure and handling can be a factor. While SLA batteries are incredibly durable, excessive heat or cold can put significant pressure on the chemistry of the battery cells. Excessive bumping and vibrating may also be an influencing factor with longevity but typically these devices are built to be able to handle extremes and usually you wouldn’t be able to do anything in a wheelchair or mobility scooter that would really negatively impact it in that way.

Charging technique is certainly an influencing factor. Overcharging your SLA battery can reduce its lifespan by as much as 50%. Additionally, try to avoid deep cycling or draining power levels below 10% as it increases stress levels.

Check terminals to make sure they are clean and clear from debris and sulfation. Regular brushing with a baking soda solution will prevent premature power loss due to dirty contacts over time if neglected.

Quality charging equipment is also a factor so make to select one that is manufacturer approved or well-reviewed.

Mobility Scooters and wheelchairs can be a true lifeline to the outside world for those with physical constraints. The last thing you would want is getting stranded while out shopping or scooting around the streets so keeping your battery in top shape can be critical. For our regular clients we encourage having backup batteries on hand to be able to switch out quickly. We also offer quick shipping so that you aren’t stranded for long. For those unfamiliar with our products, check our internal search option to locate your matching replacement and try us out. We try to match strong performance with reasonable pricing which is suitable for those on tight budgets.