Asus K406UA K406UA-BM141T K406UA-BM142T K406UA-BM219T K406UA-BM229T K406UA-BM230T S406UA S406UA-0043C8250U S40 Laptop and Notebook Replacement Battery
- This is a replacement compatible with a Asus Laptop and Notebook Battery
- Volts: 7.7V (7.7 Volts)
- Capacity: 5000mAh (5Ah)
- Type: Li-Polymer
- Color: Black
- Asus K406UA K406UA-BM141T K406UA-BM142T K406UA-BM219T K406UA-BM229T K406UA-BM230T S406UA S406UA-0043C8250U S406UA-0051B8250U S406UA-BM007T S406UA-BM012T S406UA-BM013T S406UA-BM029T S406UA-BM031T S406UA-BM033R S406UA-BM145T S406UA-BM146T S406UA-BM148T S406UA-BM151 S406UA-BM165T S406UA-BM169T S406UA-BM174T S406UA-BM191T S406UA-BM204T S406UA-BM216T S406UA-BM225R S406UA-BM228T S406UA-BM231T S406UA-BM240T S406UA-BM248T S406UA-BM256 S406UA-BM258T S406UA-BM290T S406UA-BM356T S406UA-BM421 S406UA-BV021T S406UA-BV023T S406UA-BV026T S406UA-BV027T S406UA-BV070T S406UA-BV121T S406UA-BV175T S406UA-BV260T S406UA-BV300T S406UA-BV357T S406UA-BV414T S406UA-GS8202T S406UA-GS8505T V406UA V406UA7100 VivoBook S14 S406 REVIEW VivoBook S14 S406UA VivoBook S14 S406UA REVIEW VivoBook S14 S406UA-0373C4405U VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM012T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM013T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM019T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM028T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM033T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM159T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM165T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM174T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM191T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM204T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM208T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM213T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM216T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM223T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM248T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM258T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM299T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM360T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BM865T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV021T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV023T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV026T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV027T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV041T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV121T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV181T VivoBook S14 S406UA-BV260T VivoBook S14 S406UA-GS7001T VivoBook S14 S406UA-GS8202T VivoBook S14 S406UA-GS8503T VivoBook S14 S406UA-GS8505T VivoBook X406UA VivoBookS14 S406UA-BM204T VivoBookS14 S406UA-BM290T X406 X406UA X406UA-1B X406UA-3C X406UA-BM013T Replacement Batteries.
- Mfgr Part # 0B200-02640000 C21N1701 C21PQC5
- Dimensions: 8.13 in. L x 7.61 in. W x 0.16 H in.
- Weight: 0.9 lb
- Warranty: 1 Year
Disclaimer: Our products are not affiliated with or authorized by Asus.
What is the best replacement battery for the Asus K406UA K406UA-BM141T K406UA-BM142T K406UA-BM219T K406UA-BM229T K406UA-BM230T S406UA S406UA-0043C8250U S40 Laptop and Notebook Battery?
The CS-AUS406NB is the best replacement battery for the Asus K406UA K406UA-BM141T K406UA-BM142T K406UA-BM219T K406UA-BM229T K406UA-BM230T S406UA S406UA-0043C8250U S40 Laptop and Notebook Battery.
What is your return policy and battery warranty?
Our batteries are backed by easy 30-day returns and a 12-month warranty.
How do I find the best replacement Battery?
Our search tool at the top of the website should give you the best results. Search by brand or part number to see if we have the right match for you.
What does Li-ion and Ni-MH mean?
They represent different types of rechargeable batteries. Li-ion stands for Lithium Ion, lithium ions move from the negative electrode through an electrolyte to the positive electrode during discharge and back when charging. Ni-MH stands for nickel-metal hydride where the negative electrode is made from a hydrogen-absorbing alloy.
Do you have a wholesale, reseller and large volume purchase program?
Yes, our bulk purchasing program saves you money and allow you to obtain the batteries you need in one easy, hassle-free transaction. Apply here.